Lexis Rex Inicio

Conjugación de cause

to causecausar

Presente de indicativoAnotado
I causeyo causo
you causetú causas
he causesél causa
she causesella causa
we causenosotros causamos
you causevosotros causáis
they causeellos causan
they causeellas causan

Pretérito / Simple pastAnotado
I causedyo causé
you causedtú causaste
he causedél causó
she causedella causó
we causednosotros causamos
you causedvosotros causasteis
they causedellos causaron
they causedellas causaron

Pretérito perfectoAnotado
I have causedyo he causado
you have causedtú has causado
he has causedél ha causado
she has causedella ha causado
we have causednosotros hemos causado
you have causedvosotros habéis causado
they have causedellos han causado
they have causedellas han causado

Pretérito pluscuamperfecto / PluperfectAnotado
I had causedyo había causado
you had causedtú habías causado
he had causedél había causado
she had causedella había causado
we had causednosotros habíamos causado
you had causedvosotros habíais causado
they had causedellos habían causado
they had causedellas habían causado

Futuro de indicativoAnotado
I will causeyo causaré
you will causetú causarás
he will causeél causará
she will causeella causará
we will causenosotros causaremos
you will causevosotros causaréis
they will causeellos causarán
they will causeellas causarán

Futuro perfecto / Future perfectAnotado
I will have causedyo habré causado
you will have causedtú habrás causado
he will have causedél habrá causado
she will have causedella habrá causado
we will have causednosotros habremos causado
you will have causedvosotros habréis causado
they will have causedellos habrán causado
they will have causedellas habrán causado

I would causeyo causaría
you would causetú causarías
he would causeél causaría
she would causeella causaría
we would causenosotros causaríamos
you would causevosotros causaríais
they would causeellos causarían
they would causeellas causarían

Condicional perfecto / Conditional perfectAnotado
I would have causedyo habría causado
you would have causedtú habrías causado
he would have causedél habría causado
she would have causedella habría causado
we would have causednosotros habríamos causado
you would have causedvosotros habríais causado
they would have causedellos habrían causado
they would have causedellas habrían causado

Participio presenteAnotado
causing causando

Participio pasadoAnotado
caused causado

Más verbos

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